
Test whether your spouse meet some of the following criteria:

1. Your spouse are people with mental Mtosbcim complex, tormented and incomplete.

2. Your spouse at odds with their family or yours.

3. Your spouse are not stable and they have moods change drastically.

4. Your spouse live "film" and are willing to consider reality, limitations, rules and boundaries.

5. Your spouse drop you all their problems and do not try at all to help themselves.

6. Your spouse suffer from depression, loss, severe anxiety and lack of taste in life.

7. Your spouse has a very pessimistic beliefs and attitudes about life.

8. Your spouse come from families disjointed, full of conflicts and problems ruined.

9. Your spouse have a double perception distorted unhealthy. For example, are extremely fundamentalist, safe abandon them, Franueidiim, violent, etc..

10. Your spouse is not a regular job, profession, income significantly. They live Bminosim huge, dysfunctional feeding always late.

Life with extraordinary

Exceptions are people who live marginalized normative standard. They usually Stu people living far away from the usual path, and they live in parallel rather than as part of society: for example, they had no serious relationships and stability. Years are not working or not have one at work.They become addicted to things, like drugs, food, alcohol, etc.. They abandoned each frame and they live in detached from a frame. They have a lot of unresolved issues that they do not try to repress all resolve. They suffer from chronic economic distress are always minus.

Life with exceptional charge prices not simple: with all complicated, there are injuries, abrasions, severe injuries and struggles along the way with double joint, sometimes there is a feeling hard to abuse victims for their part, nothing comes easily to them, things do not get together with them, there is sense of blasts and distress when you live alongside a constant, everything takes a lot of time, in many cases in which all effort is bearing fruit and is very frustrating.


Check whether your spouse meet some of the following criteria:

1. Your spouse are healthy and positive and do not Mtosbcim.

2. Your spouse love their parents and are on good terms with them.

3. Your spouse are responsible, balanced and stable emotionally.

4. Your spouse know how to get along in real life.

5. Your spouse are independent and do not hang you their problems.

6. Your spouse are friendly and happy people around them that create a pleasant atmosphere.

7. Your spouse have health beliefs and attitudes very positive about life.

8. Your spouse come from good families, integrity and warm.

9. Your spouse has a double concept of equality, respect and love.

10. Your spouse has a regular job, profession and income clearly reasonable.

Life with normal

Live side of normal couple make your life quite normal. Develop your social life, advanced life, the atmosphere is relaxed and positive feeling is the common life "working" and advanced to the right places.

Life on their side of normal couple they live in safe, comfortable, pleasant and good. Suffering and pain are rare and most of the time relationship and life together perform well without special problems.

Tip end: the temptation to choose spouses exceptional for two reasons: either you yourself so exceptional, "drawn a similar model or anything unusual of your spouse is just the opposite to you but he pulls you from your eyes because he is perceived as" special "," creative ""interesting "and" released "a lot more of you.

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